After exporting a CSV file from Cognism and opening it in Excel, you may notice that the data is displayed in the wrong format. The problem is related to the separator that breaks the data into their respective columns. Please follow the steps below to adjust your settings and then re-download the file. If at first it doesn’t work, please try rebooting your computer and try again.
You may also have data containing special characters and the data may not display properly in Excel. Follow the steps under Import to Excel for these to display in the correct manner.
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Windows 8 and Windows 10 Users
Windows 8 and Windows 10 Users
- Close the Excel file
- Windows 8 > go to Control Panel and select Regional and Language Options.
Windows 10 > go to Control Panel, then Clock and Region and finally select Region. - Click Additional Settings.
- Change the ‘Decimal Symbol’ to a full stop ( . ).
- Change the ‘List Separator’ to a comma ( , ).
- Click 'Apply', then 'OK'.
Windows 11 Users
- Open Settings.
- Click on Time & language.
- Click the Language & region page on the right side.
- Under the "Related settings" section, click the Administrative language settings option.
- Click the Formats tab.
- Click the Additional settings button.
- Click the Numbers tab.
- Change the ‘Decimal Symbol’ to a full stop ( . ).
- Change the ‘List Separator’ to a comma ( , ).
MacOS Users
Mac OS version 10.10.1.
- Close the Excel file.
- Click on the Apple button and go to System Preferences.
- Select Language & Region and click Advanced.
- Change the 'Decimal' separator to a full stop ( . ).
- Click on OK/Save.
Import to Excel
Microsoft Excel is unable to properly display UTF-8 compliant CSV files when they contain special characters. As a result your file may include ‘?’ or random symbols instead of non-English characters like:é, è, ç etc.
As a result it’s always recommended to import such files into Excel instead of opening them directly.
To do so you can follow the steps below:
1. Open Excel
2. Click the 'Data' menu
3. Click on 'From Text/CSV"
4. Find the file you want to import. Click on file > Import
5. Choose "65001: Unicode(UTF-8) in the top File Origin dropdown
6. Click 'Load'
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