How does the seniority datapoint work?

The seniority filter makes it easier to filter leads based on their position in a company. We use state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to map out the relationship between all the job titles in our dataset. We then feed in tens of thousands of hand-labelled examples that let an AI model predict the most likely seniority category for all job titles. We map out seniority based on experience and from an entry level position to the responsibility of decision making at the company as an executive leadership position.




Entry Level 

Individual Contributor in an associate or specialist role.

Experienced Staff 

Senior Individual Contributor.

Team Leads

Team Lead or Manager who directly manages individual contributors.

Middle Management 

Director level  who manages Team Leads and above, but does not have responsibility for departments or divisions in a company.

Senior Leadership

VP level who has operational oversight for product lines, brands, geographic areas, or departments.


C-level executives. 

Executive Level

Responsible for strategic decision making.


Please note

The results, when a search with Middle Management and Senior Leadership are selected, will be dependent on the region and industry you are targeting.

Use the exclude filter to remove any unwanted roles from appearing in your results.

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