Enrich Salesforce records

Update your Salesforce with actionable data from Cognism. Find new opportunities by enriching new leads, contacts or accounts that flow into your Salesforce instance from other channels.

Instant Enrich allows you to update your existing Salesforce instance with Cognism data on demand while Scheduled Enrich allows you to update records which already exist in Salesforce on a regular cadence.

Enrich is only available to Cognism Admin users.

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For enrichment to be used, you need to have set up the Salesforce Integration and have the data import enabled. Field mappings and update rules that are set with your usual Salesforce integration are carried over to enrichment, but you can customise fields when setting up an individual enrichment job.

  • Only Cognism Admin users have access to Enrich.

  • CDC (Change Data Capture) and API access (which is available in Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited and Developer Editions of Salesforce)

Set up a new Instant Job

  • Head over to the Enrich tab to access Instant Enrich and click Instant Jobs.

  • Click Create new and select lead, contact or account from the dropdown.

  • Name your job and choose whether to update all new records in Salesforce.

  • Or update leads according to your specified criteria using the query builder.

    • The query builder is based on the fields you have set up in your Salesforce.

    • Fields with picklists will allow you to select those picklist values.

    • The operator available is either equal to (field matches preset value when the record is created in Salesforce) or not equal to (field does not match preset value when the record is created in Salesforce).

    • You can specify as many criteria as you wish by clicking the add button.

  • You can specify field mapping and update rules for enriched records on the job level.

    • Select the fields that you want mapped to your Salesforce fields.

    • If you do not specify the field mapping on the job level, the default field mappings and update rules that are set in Integration Settings are applied.

  • Click Create Job and toggle on to begin enrichment.

Set up a new Scheduled Job

  • Head over to the Enrich tab to access Scheduled Enrich and click Scheduled Jobs.

  • Click Create new and select lead, contact or account from the dropdown.

  • Name your job and choose whether to update all new records in Salesforce.

  • Or update leads according to your specified criteria using the query builder.

    • The query builder is based on the fields you have set up in your Salesforce.

    • Fields with picklists will allow you to select those picklist values.

    • The operator available is either equal to (field matches preset value when the record is created in Salesforce) or not equal to (field does not match preset value when the record is created in Salesforce).

    • You can specify as many criteria as you wish by clicking the add button.

When entering criteria using a string value, take note that this is case sensitive.

  • Select how often you want records to be updated.

    • Expand the Frequency accordion.

    • You have the following options for the frequency:

      • One off - the job begins as soon as the configuration is complete.

      • Daily - the job will occur daily at a specified time. You can specify the time after choosing the Daily option in the dropdown.

      • Weekly - the job will occur once per week at a specified day and time. You can specify the day and time after choosing the Weekly option in the dropdown.

      • Monthly - the job will occur once per month at a specified date and time. You can specify the date and time after choosing the Monthly option in the dropdown.

The time specified is your local timezone.

  • You can specify field mapping and update rules for enriched records on the job level.

    • Select the fields that you want mapped to your Salesforce fields.

    • If you do not specify the field mapping on the job level, the default field mappings and update rules that are set in Integration Settings are applied.

  • Click Create Job and toggle on to begin enrichment.

Access the Enriched Job

  • Click View to enter the Job Dashboard.

  • See the job statistics such as:

    • Records Managed - total number of records that have been enriched.

    • Match rate - the percentage of records that have been matched with profiles in our database and enriched with Cognism data.

    • Records Updated - number of records that have been enriched with Cognism data.

    • Data Points Updated - the number of datapoints on a profile that have been updated.

    • Credits Used - the total number of enrichment credits that have been used during enrichment.

  • View the status of records in an enrichment job:

    • Enriched - records that have been matched with a Cognism profile and updated in Salesforce.

    • No Change - records that have been matched with a Cognism profile but have not been updated as the data is the same.

    • Unmatched - records that could not be matched to a Cognism profile.

    • Errors - records that have thrown an error. You can re-run these records.

    • All Records - all records in the specified enrichment job.

  • Errors will usually occur due to incorrect mapping in Salesforce or insufficient credits.

  • For Scheduled Jobs, there is an additional section called Company Change where records which have had company changes since the last job was run live.

    • This allows you to review the data, download a CSV and choose to upload into your system to either update the record, or create a new one.

What happens in Salesforce

The record is enriched with Cognism data, according to your defined field mappings and field update rules. The updates will also occur depending on the defined criteria you’ve set (using the query builder, if you need enrichment according to a specified criteria).

Additional Information

Who can use Enrichment

Admins on all license types.


We charge an Enrich credit if we've matched on a record as part of an Enrich job and we charge a credit only once during an Enrichment billing period.


  • We will not charge an Enrich Credit if you have already spent a bulk credit on that profile during the billing period.

  • We will not charge an Enrich Credit if have already exported a record from the Web App or Browser Extension during the billing period.

Data privacy

Cognism needs the following permissions to be able to read your CRM data for enrichment:

  • View All Leads

  • View All Contacts

  • View All Accounts

  • View All Users

  • Customize Application

Cognism does not use, process, or share the data for any other purpose other than to provide this specific functionality, and we do not use this data to enrich our database. Please note all data is stored in an encrypted database (AES-256 encryption).

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